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This privacy policy is intended to outline Hadley Clark’s policies and practices, regarding collecting, using and disclosing of any personal data.

We shall outline the different ways that this personal data is obtained and fully explain how this data is treated.


Purpose for processing data

  • Consent

  • Contractual

  • Legal obligation

  • Protecting vital interests

  • Public interest

  • Legitimate interest


What personal data/information is collected?

We collect information about you when you send us an email, leave comments, submit a request form, or when you send us your CV but only for the purposes of carrying out our contracted service or contacting you with a reply as requested. This information may include, but is not limited to;

  • Your name

  • E-mail address

  • Phone number

  • Address

  • Employment history

  • Referee details

  • Nationality/citizenship/place of birth

  • NI number

  • Financial details

Also any other details as might be requested from you for the purpose of registration and/or continued use of our services.


We may also collect information from you if you request information or customer support.


Information that we obtain about you

We subscribe to online CV databases where jobseekers set up their profiles and upload their CVs. This allows us access to your personal details and your CV (if you have uploaded it). We do this to help source candidates for positions we are searching for.

We also use social media such as LinkedIn to search for candidates.

When you send us a contact form, the information is used solely for the purposes of replying to your message. 



Cookies overview

As almost all other websites do, our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone by websites when you visit them.


How cookies help us

  • Improve our website for you

  • Make the website work as expected

  • Remember your settings during and between visits

  • Allow you to share pages with social networks like LinkedIn

  • Make our marketing more efficient


What we DON'T do

  • Collect personal information (without permission)

  • Collect any sensitive information (without permission)

  • Pass personal data to third parties

  • Pass data to advertising or marketing companies


Granting us permission

If the settings on your browser or software that you are using to view this website are set to accept cookies, we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you are fine with this.


Should you wish to remove or not use cookies from our site you can learn how to do this below, however doing so will likely mean that our site will not work as you would expect.


The cookies we use are

Cookie - auth-session

Name - auth-session

Purpose - authentication

Info - used to identify you when you visit our website including when you navigate our website

Cookie - auth_token

Name - auth_token

Purpose - status

Info - used to help us determine if you are logged in

Cookie - Google Anaylics







Name - Google Anaylics

Purpose - analysis

Info - used to help us analyse the performance of our website and services

Turning cookies off

Most of the time you can switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies, click here.


Doing this will likely mean that our website does not operate or function as you would expect.



What Rights You Have Over Your Data

You can request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.


If you would like us to send you all the personal data we hold this can also be done upon request (see details below).


Right to be informed

Right of access

Right to rectification

Right to erasure

Right to restrict processing

Right to data portability

Right to object

Rights in relation to automated processing

Right to withdraw consent


How do we keep your data and for how long?


We take every precaution to protect the data we hold on file. All of our employees computer's have firewalls and are password protected. The system we use to hold data is a cloud based CRM system called Zoho.

Hadley Clark makes all reasonable efforts to ensure your personal information is secure. The use of email and the internet in general is never 100% secure so we cannot take responsibility for data breaches outside of our control.

To ensure a fair and transparent processing of your personal data, we require your consent to further process your data for recruitment purposes, where data refers to your personal information such as your name, DOB, phone number, email address and your CV.


We assure you that your data will be used for recruitment purposes only.  Your data will be retained for only as long as it is necessary which includes our legal obligations for retaining data.


On occasions where there is a requirement to extend the retention of your data, we would be asking for your consent again, if required. As a candidate, you are entitled to exercise your rights as explained in the EU GDPR (Articles 13 to 22). For details on the Rights, refer here If you wish to access/ update/ correct your data, kindly write to

The timescales that your data will be on the system is determined by the requirement and the amount of contact we have had with you.


For legal purposes we are required to keep any data where we have placed somdeone in a position for three -seven years (HMRC regulations) depending on the information.


If you have sent us your details directly due to looking for a position or we have had contact with you directly (via e-mail, text or phone) we will hold your details for five years. This is due to the fact you may still be interested in hearing from us regarding future opportunities.


If we have come across your details on a CV database but have not had any contact with you we will only hold your data for up to two years.



Our Contact Information

You can contact our GDPR officer directly by sending an e-mail to 


We will respond to any requests soon as possible.

"I understand that Hadley Clark is the Controller and Zoho Recruit is the Processor of my data. Hadley Clark and its affiliates will use my data only for the purposes mentioned above and retain it only as long as they are required to. I understand that I can request access to my data by writing to the email address above. I agree and consent that my data can be processed by Hadley Clark and Zoho Recruit, for recruitment and/or selection processes."

Copyright © 2021 Hadley Clark Limited. All rights reserved

Registered in England & Wales No. 12761749

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